Writing Souls

Creating, Publishing & Marketing

Ebooks & Audiobooks
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Ebooks & Audiobooks services

Our eBooks & Audiobooks services bring to you the convenience of creating, publishing & marketing your digital ideas – all under 1 roof. Spanning genres from fiction and non-fiction to self-help, business, health, and more. The possibilities are endless.


Our group of efficient content writers creates these works of art for you by incorporating your vision and giving their creative touch to it at the same time.


We publish your eBook/Audiobook on Amazon.com in CS, Kindle as well as the Paperback version. It takes technical know-how which we have.


Our professional digital marketers ensure that your eBook/ Audiobook is well-advertised, ensuring a flood of readers/listeners to buy it. It si the reward you richly deserve.


Our Diverse Bookshelf

Instant Access

Start reading ebooks instantly without waiting for shipping or delivery.

Portable Library

Read them on your mobile, tablet pc or laptop

Adjustable Reading Experience

Content can be adjusted as per your comfort

Discussion Threads


An e-reader displaying text is positioned between two piles of stacked books - eBooks vs Printed Books
Ebooks versus Printed Books – Which one wins?

Ebooks versus printed books: Discover the ongoing debate and explore the unique merits and environmental impacts of both formats. Whether you prefer the sensory appeal of physical books or the convenience and functionality of ebooks, this comprehensive comparison helps you decide which format best suits your literary needs. read more

Ebooks & Audiobooks


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Email: contact@writingsouls.com

Address: 87/46/1, A.K.Mukherjee Rd,

Kolkata-700090, W.B., India

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