If you’re wondering are all books available as ebooks, then no, not all books are available as ebooks. While a vast number of books have been digitized and are available in electronic formats, some titles, especially older or less popular ones, might not be.
Additionally, certain publishers or authors may choose not to release their works as ebooks for various reasons. The reasons can be:
i. Maintaining exclusivity of print editions, or due to rights and licensing issues.
ii. The demand for every book that was ever published, as an ebook, is simply not there. So the author/publisher will not take the trouble of digitizing it. Time and cost are the constraints here.
However, the availability of ebooks continues to grow as the demand for digital reading options increases. That is why many publishers/authors have evolved in their thinking in recent times due to the huge online market of ebooks and are more open to digitizing their publications. Also, the genre matters a lot. Books of self-help and fiction genre are more in demand online. Also, if there is demand for a genre besides the above, then it is an easy decision for the owner of the book’s license to digitize. You can find ebooks on:
- Retail websites: websites such as Amazon.com have a huge collection of Ebooks. Many such platforms are available nowadays.
- Publisher’s website: If a publisher finds that their book has a great demand online then they can choose to make it available digitally on their website.
- Public libraries have come forward in recent times with a collection of ebooks that can be borrowed for free.
I hope the above information answers your question to satisfaction.